It's called Rambling in Britain, Bush Walking in Australia, Tramping in NZ and Hiking in America.

Whatever it's called, welcome to my blog which is simply about journeys and life..... It shares stories, tales and thoughts, in prose, verse, photo and video. WALK ON RAMBLER


Sunday, November 14, 2010


I have not thought too much about writing about the south west coast path.  We walked the Cornwall section and found that it was an exhilarating experience with many ups and downs physically and mentally..
The small fishing towns left a lasting memory.  Walking down into them after a hard days walk was a bit like walking into the past.
The great thing about walking is that you visit places a little more remote from the tourist track.  While you are still a tourist you can see in slow motion ( slower for us) many different and varied sights and particularly have time to talk with locals.

The sheer cliffs were awesome and somrtimes frightening as we inched past them on the beaten track which moved slowly inlland as the erroding cliffs claimed more of the landscape.

Would think this is a uniquely beautiful part of England that has a distinctive cultural history and a more recent economic history displayed in the remnant mine sites and the down sized fishing industry