It's called Rambling in Britain, Bush Walking in Australia, Tramping in NZ and Hiking in America.

Whatever it's called, welcome to my blog which is simply about journeys and life..... It shares stories, tales and thoughts, in prose, verse, photo and video. WALK ON RAMBLER


Saturday, August 30, 2008


I recently journeyed down a river by houseboat. As a confirmed non-boatee with litle boating experience this was rather an interesting trip.

There is something about "rivers" that is so special.

For one thing, your path is determined and you just go with the flow or you can go against the flow . On past long canoe trips it was so peaceful at times to let the current drift you along silent reaches . No need to plan or think as the path was determined.So peaceful.

Our river trip had its moments of course -storms,fuel,anchor drift. But in general the river took us along and we enjoyed the journey